Fairything's Fairy Ring!
hiiiiiiiii <3

In memoriam of FREAKSPOTTERS! (2020-2022)

FREAKSPOTTERS! was my for-fun, free-to-read webnovel, a quirky, sapphic, supernatural romp I used to work on between other tasks. Sadly, I stopped updating it in 2022, and I don't think I'll ever really work on it again, so this is effectively an IN MEMORIAM page haha.

(Left to right: Jane Cardinal, Helena Zhang, Camilla "Cami" Wilde, Rachel Fernweh, and Olivia Ramirez)

In a Nutshell:

Five girls start a club for hunting down the strange and unusual. Turns out supernatural entities are not only real--they want to take over town! Rampant lesbianism, loss of humanity (or the realization you never had any), and similar shenanigans ensue. Maybe the real supernatural encounters were the friends (and girlfriends!) they made along the way.

Recurring themes in FREAKSPOTTERS were pretty heavily based on what I went through when I was younger, and some stuff I went through when writing the early chapters. In short, a lot of it revolves around this deep need to belong... and how that can be taken advantage of.

Cool, Where Can I Read It?

I mean, you can probably find it if you Google, unless I've finally taken it down because it's never being finished, in which case... sorry!

Our Main Cast

Coming soon. Maybe. Someday.

Which FREAKSPOTTER! are you?

Take the quiz here!

How was FREAKSPOTTERS! going to end?

Honestly, it was going to end with the gang realizing that supernatural entities were puppeteering them around to bring about the end of humanity, and even if they weren't human anymore (or in Cami and Rachel's cases, never human in the first place!), they didn't want humanity gone, soooo they saved the world! And Cami was gonna lose all their memories. Because why not? Anyways yeah. I'll elaborate on this if anyone is ever curious

Page Credits

Pokemon - Pokedoll Clefairy